After a long overdue of my update on this blog, I am now sharing with you my latest entry: the Wilson's Promontory in Victoria, Australia. When you visit this beautiful state of Australia, Victoria prides itself as the state which owns several places of interests for all tourists: local and non local.Depending on your area of interest whether camping or hiking or mountain trekking, Victoria is the state that offers all of them.
One of the favourite places for tourists in Victoria is Wilson's Promontory. " It is also known as Yiruk and Wamoon in the Gunai and Bunwurrung languages respectively. It is a peninsula that forms the southermost part of the Australian mainland. South Point is the southernmost tip of Wilson's Promontory and hence of mainland Australia. Located at nearby South East Point is the Wilson's Promontory Lighthousde. "- Source:
Areas of Interests in Wilson's Promontory:
1. " Barry Creek camping area- on this campoing site, one can't stay for more than two nights. From the carpark on Five Mile Rd which leads east of Wilson's Promontory Rd, it's a walk of 6.2 km to Barry Creek.
2. Five Mile Beach camping area- Five Mile Beach arrows along the eastern coast of Wilson's Promontory between Monkey point and the headland that hides gorgeous Sealer's Cove. This generous sweep of sand is a great place for beachcombing, swimmiing or just nap while the ocean laps the shore.
3. Halfway Cut camping Area- Walkers keen on getting to the lighthouse perched on the southeaster btip of the prontory stride down Telegraph TRack from Telegrapg Saddle and stop for a breather after 7 km at Halfway Hut.
4. Lower Barry Creek camping area- From the Five Mile Rd carpoark, you'll need to walk for 9.7 km to reach Lower Barry Creek- the route leads east down Five Mile Rd before branching North on a separate trail that starts just to the west of Barry Creek."- Source- Camping Around Australia,
There you go, I have just shared with you some of the popular spots in Wilson's Promontory so that you can pick your choice to stay and unwind on any of your rest day.
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